Thursday Club
We ended the first half of this year with a successful tea at Avon Mill. Despite the rather revolting weather, 20 members and friends came along and enjoyed each other's company together with their choice of teatime fare.
Thursday Club returns on 12th September when Graham Collyer will tell us some more tales of the village (and beyond) gleaned from his investigations into local history. His talks are always fascinating and interesting so make sure the date is in your diary!
Numbers attending our afternoons have dropped off slightly: please keep coming as Thursday Club needs your support if it is to continue. Everyone is welcome to our meetings - feel free to bring a friend or two! £3.00 per person plus £1 for a raffle ticket. Please let us know if you have any special dietary requirements.
Lindy Anderton (560751) Jenny Brown (562248) Gaynor Day (561112) Gill Townsend (560243)
Jane Howey (560600) Moray Lewis (560868) Marion Luscombe (560680) Maggie Ryder (mailing list)